E+Creative LogoE+ Creative LLC

Offering an eclectic mix of goods and services created with love.

This site is currently in development, but here is a an overview and preview of what's to come.

Current Products

Live From Stage IV Weekly Substack: A chronicle of my life and insights from living with metastatic kidney cancer

Etsy Store: with various hand crafted wood items for sale such as candle holders, cutting boards, lamps, and more.

Zoomorphic: A Poetry Chapbook

Coming Soon

Free Stuff

The below are available free of charge and are meant to be useful and/or spread joy

Code Master Adult Braille Learning System -- A common sense method and tools for teens and adults wishing to learn braille.

Witty Title Here Blog -- Poems and works in progress as well as links to favorite poems

Origin Story

Emily Wharton studied English and Creative Writing. She loves poetry, but to pay the bills, she worked in her second love, blindness rehabilitation. She taught cane travel, access technology, life skills, and braille. She developed the Code Master braille system and an access technology curriculum based on structured discovery methodology. In 2013, her wife Shawn Mayo became ill and they moved to Iowa for a more lucrative opportunity. She ended up[ serving as the Director of the Iowa Department for the Blind which allowed her to develop another set of skills. In January 2023, Emily found out that she had kidney cancer and it had spread to her lungs and elsewhere. Eventually she would find out that it had spread to her brain. With the treatment and is side effect's, staying in her high stress job became less and less feasible. She retired in July 2024 and decided to do what she loved and see if it could maybe pay for itself or even produce a little income. Being a jack of all trades and master of fine arts, The things she loves and has developed skill in doing, however, are admittedly a bit random. So it's probably fitting that the name E+ Creative came from a pretend company she dreamed up in the fifth grade. The logo came from a doodle in her notebook. Shawn Mayo was formerly the Director of BLIND, Incorporated and the Iowa Blindness Empowerment and Independence Center. She had to leave this job when her wife became Director of the agency. Between them, they have more than forty years of blindness rehabilitation experience. They may be crazy for starting a business together but they worked together for more than 17 years and lived together for more than 23 years, so they think it will be just fine.

To inquire about services, please email us.